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The Concept of LearnRooms



Exam Phobia is a very common phobia which can be seen among the students. Nothing is more dreadful for a student than Board exam or any competitive exam. Nobody knows what is there in their fortune in the form of results.

There are students who do well in studies but fail to perform in exams. On the other hand some students are there who are uncertain even on their own answers but do well in exams. However the challenges, our life throws us, is completely different from that we face in exams. And this is why the students who perform well in life are not always a good performer of life. Because our education system does not provide us the necessary skills we need to tackle the problems of our life. Life is complex, even more complex than the quantum mechanics problems.

These exams give a stamp to every student. They are classified good or bad according to their answer papers. But we are not taught that success in life is not always to get some good results - sometimes bad results are far more important than the good ones, because they teach us the most. We are not taught that you do not fail in your life if you fail in your exam.

So there is a problem that we need to fix. But, how? Should we cancel all the examinations and declare ‘NO EXAMS’? But then there would not be any classification, which is necessary to operate the system. We need to evaluate their achievements otherwise there would not be any improvement and growth of the student.

Do you know where our education system fails? They do not identify what is there inside a student but they will show you what you lack. “If one is not doing well in exams, s/he is unuseful” – This is the stamp they give the students. We need to bring out from the students what is actually within them.

We put all of them in a same pattern and judge them by their exam results. Does it not mean that we treat all the apple of a basket equally? We expect all of them to have the same texture, taste and composition.

We should put in place a system where all the students are treated as an individual who have some unique ability. And then examination would classify them on the basis of that quality. This would help the students do better in their own field.

I am not against the education – never disagree with the importance of education in our life. But what I am saying is the education should not shrink itself just to the exams. It should be overall development of a student, of a learner. And this education should be more practical.

For this we need to move from the concept of classrooms to the learnrooms. A student should be able o grow with a passion and do different things in life, do experiments with life. Unless and until the teachers and parents are active enough to influence the policymakers and the system, things are not going to change.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is a very informative source of learning what schools do not teach us. Here Robert Kiyosaki the great investor and writer talks about the lessons he had learnt from his Rich Dad (actually an uncle) and poor Dad (his father). This teachings of this book will definitely take you to the next level.

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Here is another book you can read. This book tells us that in school we are engaged in a game involving doing some particular things again and again, pleasing the teachers and get good grades. But we are made to pay the price later in life. This book also includes interviews of teachers and students who are trying to end the game of school and put a system of authentic learning instead. This book is really very helpful for the students.


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