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Why Sunday is a Holiday - Learning Hub


Sunday, the seventh day of the week, is widely regarded as a day of rest and relaxation in many countries across the world. It is a day when people take a break from work and spend te with family and friends. But have you ever wondered why Sunday is a holiday? In this article, we will explore the origins of Sunday as a holiday, both in the world and in India.

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How it started in the world:

Sunday has been considered a special day since ancient times. The name "Sunday" comes from the Old English word "Sunandæg," which means "day of the sun." In many cultures, Sunday is associated with the sun, which was considered a powerful and divine symbol. The ancient Romans, for example, dedicated Sunday to their sun god, Sol.

In Christian tradition, Sunday is considered the Lord's Day, a day of rest and worship. According to the Bible, God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, which was the first Sabbath. 

Christians believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead on a Sunday, which is why Sunday is treated as a holy day. On 7 March 321, Emperor Constantine, who was the First Roman ruler to embrace Christianity, declared Sunday a public holiday so that people could attend churches.


How it started in India:

In India, Sunday was not always a holiday. During the British rule, mill workers had to work all 

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365 days, including Sundays. While British officials enjoyed holidays on Sunday and went to church, Indian workers had no such luxury. Narayan Meghaji Lokhande, a mill worker and union leader, campaigned for Sunday to be declared a holiday. His efforts paid off, and in 1890, the Bombay Mill Owners' Association declared Sunday a weekly holiday for mill workers.

Sunday is also considered a special day in Hindu tradition. It is the day of the Hindu deity Khandoba, who is believed to be a manifestation of Lord Shiva. Many people visit Khandoba temples on Sundays to offer prayers and seek blessings.

Lord Shiva 

Sunday has become a holiday in many countries around the world, both for religious and secular reasons. It is a day when people take a break from work and focus on other aspects of life, such as family, friends, and leisure activities. Whether you spend your Sunday attending church, visiting temples, or simply relaxing at home, it is a day to recharge your batteries and prepare for the week ahead.

But is Sunday a universal holiday? Well, NO. In most Muslim countries, Friday is considered a day of worship. For this reason, there is a holiday on Friday instead of Sunday.

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